Last Updated: February 1, 2024

Effective Date: February 1, 2024

AI Fitting attaches great importance to the protection of user personal information and will treat this information with diligence and prudence. When you download, install, activate, browse, or use (collectively referred to as "use") AI Fitting and related services, we will collect, store, use, share, disclose, and protect your personal information through this Privacy Policy. This policy is closely related to your use of our services, and we recommend that you carefully read and understand all the contents of this policy, and make choices you deem appropriate. Important content related to your personal information rights is highlighted in bold for your attention. If you do not agree with any terms of this policy, please do not use our services.

This Privacy Policy helps you understand the following:

  1. Facial Data Policy
  2. How we collect and use personal information
  3. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies
  4. How do we store this information
  5. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose this information
  6. How we protect your personal information
  7. How you can access and manage personal information
  8. Terms for the protection of minors
  9. Policy revisions and notifications
  10. Scope of application
  11. How to contact us
  12. Joint operation

One、Face Data Policy

1. Special Notice Regarding Face Data Collected by [AI Fitting]

We analyze your photos to identify facial features (such as eyes, nose, and mouth points) for facial processing. We do not collect face data. After the analysis process is completed, all data will be deleted, and no data will be retained. Refusal to provide the above information may prevent you from using core functions, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services.

2. Purpose and Process of Collecting Face Data

To provide you with "face swap" related effects, we need to identify facial feature points (such as eyes, nose, and mouth points).

The complete process is as follows:

  1. You will submit the selected photo to our server in encrypted form;
  2. The server analyzes the facial data in your photo and applies it to the template you selected;
  3. After synthesis is completed, the server will return the final rendering effect to you through the application;
  4. The synthesized final effect (i.e., your "work") will be temporarily stored in encrypted storage and will be permanently deleted after a certain period.

After the synthesis process is completed, we will immediately delete the face image you submitted to the server.

3. Sharing and Storage of Face Data

We will not share your face data with any third party, nor will we store any facial information you submit. After the analysis process is completed, the photo you uploaded will be deleted.

Two、How We Collect and Use Personal Information

Personal privacy information refers to information that can identify users personally or involve personal communication, including device advertising identifier IDFA. Non-personal privacy information refers to basic record information and other ordinary information reflected on the server side of [AI Fitting] that clearly and objectively reflects the user's operation status and usage habits of this service, as well as the above-mentioned privacy information that users agree to disclose;

Except as required by law or authorized by government departments with legal authority, [AI Fitting] will not disclose users' personal privacy information to third parties other than cooperative units without the user's consent. However, users shall bear any risks arising from their own choices, such as choosing to disclose or use their personal privacy information between [AI Fitting] and cooperative units, and [AI Fitting] shall not be liable for this.

(1) Permissions You May Obtain When Using [AI Fitting] Features:

  1. Camera Permission

    When you use the shooting function, we will need to access your device's camera permission and collect the image content information (personal information) you provide. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, you will only be unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the product and/or service. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission through your device.

  2. Privacy Tracking Permission

    During your use of [AI Fitting], to remember your identity, analyze your use of [AI Fitting], and identify you as a user of [AI Fitting], we will need to access your privacy tracking permission and collect your device's advertising identifier IDFA. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the product and/or service. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission through your device.

  3. Photo Permission

    When you add pictures from your phone's album to [AI Fitting] for making videos or creating avatars, we will need to access your device's photo permission and collect information about the pictures in your phone's storage space (personal information). This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, you will only be unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the product and/or service. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission through your device.

(2) Personal Information We Collect and Use Directly

We collect information that you actively provide when using the service, as well as information generated during your use of the features or acceptance of the service through automated means:

(3) Changes in the Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

Please be aware that as our business develops, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions and services provided by [AI Fitting]. In scenarios where there is no direct or reasonable association with the original purpose, we will inform you again and obtain your consent before collecting and using your personal information.

(4) Personal Information Collection and Use Exempted from Consent According to Law

Please understand that in the following situations, according to laws, regulations, and relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorization to collect and use your personal information:

  1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  2. Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
  3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
  4. Necessary for safeguarding the major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
  5. The personal information collected is voluntarily made public by you to the public;
  6. Collected from information legally disclosed to the public, including legal news reports and government information disclosure channels;
  7. Necessary for signing or fulfilling contracts as required by your request;
  8. Necessary for maintaining the security and stable operation of the [AI Fitting] software and related services, including discovering and handling malfunctions of the [AI Fitting] software and related services;
  9. Necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research based on public interests and provide de-identified results when providing academic research or descriptions to the public;
  10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

Three, Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are common and widely used technologies on the Internet. When you use the [AI Fitting] software and related services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your visits and usage of this product. We use cookies and similar technologies primarily to achieve the following functions or services:

(1) Ensuring the Security and Efficient Operation of Products and Services

We may set cookies or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security, allowing us to confirm whether you are securely logged in to the service, or whether you have encountered theft, fraud, or illegal activities. These technologies also help us improve service efficiency and enhance login and response speeds.

(2) Helping You Obtain a More Convenient Access Experience

Using such technologies can help you avoid the repetitive steps and processes of filling in personal information and frequent logging in (realizing one-click login processes, and recording video production history).

We promise that we will not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this privacy policy.

Four, How We Store Personal Information

(1) Location of Information Storage

By legal requirements, we will store your personal information collected and generated during operation on Amazon Web Services S3 in the United States. Currently, we will not transfer the above information to any place outside the location of the server. If we do transmit externally, we will comply with local laws and regulations and seek your explicit consent.

(2) Storage Period

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary to provide [AI Fitting] and services. After the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Five, How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information

(1) Sharing and Transfer of Personal Information

We will not share or transfer your personal information to third parties unless authorized and consented by you in advance, or the shared or transferred personal information has been anonymized, and the third party cannot re-identify the natural person subject to such information.

  1. Under the following circumstances, we may share personal information:

    1. To achieve programmatic ad display, we may share de-identified or anonymized information with advertising partners.

      We will not share information that can identify you personally (your avatar), but only provide user profile tags that make it difficult to identify your identity and de-identified or anonymized statistical information to partners to help improve the effectiveness of advertising without identifying your identity.

    2. To achieve specific functions in cooperation with business partners.

      In order to ensure the stable operation and security of related functions, we may access software development kits (SDKs) provided by third parties to achieve related purposes. We will strictly monitor the security of the software development kit (SDK) obtained by the cooperative party to protect data security. The relevant third-party SDKs we access are listed in this privacy policy. Please note that the data processing type of third-party SDKs may change due to version upgrades or policy adjustments. Please refer to the official instructions provided by them for accuracy.

      • Third-party SDK name: Amazon S3

        Purpose of collecting personal information: File upload

        Method of collecting personal information: Embedding third-party SDK, SDK collects and transmits personal information

        Scope of personal information collected: Device information (model, name, operating system information), device identification information (AndroidID, IMEI, IMSI, ICCID, IDFA), network information (WIFI information, network operator information, network type, network status)

        Name of third-party organization:, Inc.

        Privacy Policy Link:

  2. Cautious Evaluation and Responsibility Constraint on Third Parties Sharing Personal Information

    1. With your consent, we will only share the information necessary to achieve the purpose with third parties. If a third party needs to use personal information beyond the authorized scope due to business needs, the third party will need to obtain your consent again.

    2. Third parties with whom we share your personal information will sign a confidentiality agreement with us. At the same time, we will assess their data security capabilities and environment and require third parties to handle such information by no less than the confidentiality and security measures required by this privacy policy.

  3. Transfer of Personal Information in Acquisition, Merger, or Restructuring

    As our business continues to develop, we may merge, acquire, or transfer assets, which may result in the transfer of your personal information. In the event of the aforementioned changes, we will continue to protect or require the successor to protect your personal information by legal requirements and security standards no less than those required by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the successor to obtain your consent again.

(2) Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not disclose your information publicly unless necessary information is required to be disclosed for penalty announcements regarding violations or fraudulent activities, or in compliance with national laws and regulations or with your consent. When disclosing your personal information publicly, we will adopt security protection measures by industry standards.

(3) Exemptions from Obtaining Consent for Sharing, Transferring, and Publicly Disclosing Personal Information by the Law Please understand that under the following circumstances, according to laws, regulations, and national standards, we are not required to obtain your authorization for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing your personal information:

Please understand that under the following circumstances, according to laws, regulations, and national standards, we are not required to obtain your authorization for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing your personal information:

  1. Directly related to national security and national defense;
  2. Directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests;
  3. Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials, and execution of judgments;
  4. For the protection of your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
  5. Personal information voluntarily disclosed to the public by yourself;
  6. Personal information is collected from legally disclosed information, including lawful news reports and government information disclosure channels.

Six, How We Protect Your Personal Information

(1) We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will strive to take reasonable security measures (including technical and managerial aspects) to protect your personal information, prevent the improper use of your personal information, or unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss, or leakage.

(2) We will use encryption technology and anonymization to protect your personal information, which is no less than industry peers, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

(3) We will establish a dedicated management system, processes, and organization to ensure information security.

(4) Due to technical limitations and the possibility of various malicious methods, the Internet environment is not completely secure. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. You understand and acknowledge that the system and communication networks you use to access our services may encounter problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of your personal information.

(5) We will formulate emergency response plans and immediately activate them in case of a user information security incident, striving to prevent the impact and consequences of such security incidents from expanding. Once a user information security incident (leakage, loss) occurs, we will promptly inform you of the relevant possibilities, risks, and suggested remedial measures by legal requirements. We will inform you of the event-related information through push notifications, emails, letters, or SMS messages promptly. If it is difficult to inform you individually, we will announce it. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents to the relevant regulatory authorities as required.

(6) We hereby remind you that the personal information protection measures provided in this privacy policy only apply to the [AI Fitting] software and related services.

Seven, Managing Your Personal Information

1. Change or Revoke Sensitive Permission Settings

You can close permissions such as accessing phone information, accessing installed app information on the device's operating system itself, taking photos and recording videos, reading and writing photos and files on the device, modifying system settings, displaying floating windows, and permanent notifications, change the scope of consent, or revoke your authorization. After revoking authorization, we will no longer collect information related to these permissions.

2. Inquire About Your Personal Information

You can check your user ID and membership status on the settings page.

3. Delete Your Personal Information

(1) You can independently query and delete partial information:
a. Access and delete the audio and video information you created or generated in [MY WORK].
b. Access and delete the information you have saved in [FAVORITES].

(2) If you need to delete information such as your subscription records, you can request us to delete your relevant information by contacting customer service or contacting us via email. We will arrange for processing within 7 working days after receiving your request. After you or we assist you in deleting the relevant information, due to applicable laws and security technologies, we may not be able to immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system. We will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until the backup can be cleared or anonymized.

4. Complaints and Reports

If you believe that your personal information rights may have been infringed, or if you discover clues that infringe on personal information rights, you can contact us through the methods outlined in Article Twelve of this privacy policy. We will investigate and respond to your complaints and reports within 15 working days.

5. Access Privacy Policy

You can view the entire content of this privacy policy during the first installation of the software or by entering [Settings] - [Privacy Policy].

6. Stop Operating Notification

If we cease operations, we will promptly cease activities involving the collection of your personal information. We will notify you of the cessation of operations individually or through announcements, and we will delete or anonymize the personal information that we hold.

Eight, Terms for Minors

If you are a minor under the age of 18, before using the [AI Fitting] software and related services, you should read and agree to this privacy policy jointly with your guardian under the guidance of your guardian.

We protect the personal information of minors by relevant national laws and regulations. We will only collect, use, share, or disclose the personal information of minors by the law, with the explicit consent of parents or other guardians, or when necessary to protect the personal information of minors. If we find that we have collected the personal information of a minor without obtaining verifiable parental consent in advance, we will attempt to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

If you are the guardian of a minor and have any questions about the personal information of the minor you are responsible for, please contact us through the contact information provided in this privacy policy.

Nine, Revision and Notification of Privacy Policy

(1) Revision

To provide you with better services, the [AI Fitting] software and related services will be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this privacy policy promptly, and such revisions constitute a part of this privacy policy and have the same effect as this privacy policy. However, without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you should enjoy under the currently effective privacy policy.

(2) Notification

  1. After the update of this privacy policy, we will release an updated version on [AI Fitting], and before the updated terms take effect, we will remind you of the updated content through in-app pop-ups or other appropriate means so that you can understand the latest version of this privacy policy promptly. By continuing to use our services, you agree to accept the revised content of this policy. However, if the updated content requires the collection of new sensitive personal information, we will once again seek your consent prominently.
  2. For significant changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (we will provide specific changes to the privacy policy through methods including but not limited to SMS, push notifications, or special prompts in specific locations):
    1. There are significant changes in our service model. This includes the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the method of using personal information;
    2. There are significant changes in our ownership structure and organizational structure. This includes changes caused by business adjustments or bankruptcy mergers;
    3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure have changed;
    4. The department responsible for the security of personal information, contact information, and complaint channels has changed.

Ten, Scope of Application

This privacy policy applies to all services provided by [AI Fitting].

The [AI Fitting] and related services mentioned in this privacy policy may vary depending on factors such as the model of your mobile phone, system version, and software application version you are using. The final product and service shall be based on the [AI Fitting] software and related services you are using.

Eleven, How to Contact Us

  1. The copyright of this privacy policy belongs to us, and within the scope permitted by law, we have the right to interpret and modify it.
  2. If you have other complaints, suggestions, personal information of minors, or questions related to this policy, you can contact us through our online customer service or email;
    Contact Email:
    We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and respond within 15 working days after verifying your user identity. If you are dissatisfied with our reply or handling, especially if you believe that we have infringed upon your legitimate rights and interests related to personal information, you can complain to the relevant regulatory authorities or report to the competent people's court.

Twelve, Joint Operation

"Chengdu Yunmi Technology Co., Ltd." is the operating company of [AI Fitting] in mainland China and our joint operating company. "Chengdu Yunmi Technology Co., Ltd." has exclusive ownership of the name, logo, appearance, and content of [AI Fitting] in mainland China. If you find others improperly collecting or using your information, you can contact us by email or our mainland operator: